Township Council Workshop Meeting
Oct. 02, 2023
7:00 pm
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Oct. 02, 2023 7:00 pm
Oct. 02, 2023
Township Council Workshop Meeting
The Township Council Workshop Meeting will be held in-person at the Board of Education Meeting Room at Linwood School. The parking lot is in the back of the school, facing Hermann Road. Follow the ‘Board of Education’ sign to the building entrance. Masks are optional.
In-Person - BOE Meeting Room
25 Linwood Place, North Brunswick Township, NJ, USA
The Township Council Workshop Meeting will be held in-person at the Board of Education Meeting Room at Linwood School. The parking lot is in the back of the school, facing Hermann Road. Follow the ‘Board of Education’ sign to the building entrance. Masks are optional.
Online Agenda
Roll Call, Sunshine Notice and Cell Phone Statement
Ms. Gallimore
Bill List
Authorizing the cancellation of taxes for a 100% disabled veteran
Item of revenue in budget: (National Opioid Settlement Grant) - $11,848.53
Item of revenue in budget: (Middlesex County DWI Check Point) - $8,540.00
Ms. Benson
Heritage Day - October 7 - 3:00 PM / Rain date - October 8. Heritage Day recipient Chadd Heyman. Award presentation 7:00 PM Community Park
Mr. Bloyed
Authorizing Contract BID23008 to Municipal Maintenance for the purchase of one (1) Submersible Pump
Authorizing Contract BID23009 to Jen Electric Inc for the Preventative Maintenance and Repair Services of Traffic Signals
Ms. Progebin
Authorizing the Receipt of Proposals for the 2024 Professionals
Municipal Clerk
Approval of minutes / Regular Council meeting / September 18, 2023