Saving Lives with the COVID-19 Vaccine in New Jersey Virtual Town Hall

Apr. 27, 2021

7:00 pm

Virtual Conferencing

As part of a virtual Town Hall series on the COVID-19 vaccine, the New Jersey Department of Health is hosting a free public conversation led by medical professionals from New Jersey who will address facts, fears, and myths.

Meg Fisher, MD, health advisor to the commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Health, will moderate this discussion which will feature the following esteemed physicians:

• Dr. Irini Daskalaki, pediatric infectious disease physician, medical epidemiologist and Medical Lead, COVID-19 Response, Princeton University Health Services

• Dr. Hafeza Shaikh, DO, FACC, FACOI, Cherry Hill Free Clinic and board of director for CommUNITY SJP

• Dr. Tamara Green, board certified emergency medicine physician

Please click on the link below to register for the Town Hall:

NJDOH Virtual Town Hall
