U.S. Citizenship and Naturalization Workshop

Jun. 15, 2021

7:00 pm

Add to Calendar Jun. 15, 2021 7:00 pm Jun. 15, 2021 UTC U.S. Citizenship and Naturalization Workshop  Join representatives from the Jewish Family Services of Middlesex County for a discussion that will include: . U.S. Citizenship eligibility & requirements . Where, when, & how much it costs to file your U.S. Citizenship application . Review of the U.S. Citizenship application . How to prepare for the new U.S. Citizenship Test . What to expect at the U.S. Citizenship interview . What to do if your U.S. Citizenship application is lost or delayed . Answers to your immigration questions Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMod-yrrDIjG9HWzAGhSeecJRl1tagTHwk3 ; Any questions, please e-mail librarian Ryan Miller at rmiller@northbrunswicklibrary.org Virtual Conferencing
Virtual Conferencing

 Join representatives from the Jewish Family Services of Middlesex County for a discussion that will include:

. U.S. Citizenship eligibility & requirements
. Where, when, & how much it costs to file your U.S. Citizenship application
. Review of the U.S. Citizenship application
. How to prepare for the new U.S. Citizenship Test
. What to expect at the U.S. Citizenship interview
. What to do if your U.S. Citizenship application is lost or delayed
. Answers to your immigration questions

Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMod-yrrDIjG9HWzAGhSeecJRl1tagTHwk3 ;

Any questions, please e-mail librarian Ryan Miller at rmiller@northbrunswicklibrary.org
