Mayor Womack and the Township Council honored Elmwood Cemetery Association President Eleanor Molloy at last night’s Council Meeting.
Elmwood Cemetery was established in 1868. Eleanor’s great-great grandfather, D.G. Stubblebine was the founding President of Elmwood Cemetery. Her family has been running the cemetery since its inception with Eleanor starting work in 1990. She became President in 2013, representing the sixth consecutive generation.
Elmwood Cemetery has continually and very methodically recorded family histories, serving as an archival resource for genealogy. Since taking over as President, Eleanor expanded their commitment to assisting families with their personal histories. Eleanor strongly believes in the importance of knowing your roots, heritage and history; and
Under Eleanor’s direction, Elmwood developed the Civil War, World War 1, World War 2, Spanish American War and Korean War Walking Tours that tell about these conflicts through the personal stories of the men and women buried at Elmwood. She implemented an Educational Advisory Council to get professional advice about their Civil War Walking Tour and, with the professionals on the EAC, developed curriculum for schoolchildren. From this, Elmwood gave educational tours to North Brunswick students from middle school through high school.
Eleanor has worked with several North Brunswick volunteer organizations including the Woman’s Club, the Girl Scouts, the Boy Scouts, the American Legion and the VFW to ensure that our local veterans are honored. She served on the North Brunswick Township WWl Centennial Commission and spearheaded the ringing of the Bells of Peace on November 11th. In 2021, Elmwood dedicated a “Never Forget Garden” in commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. This garden serves as a memorial to our local veterans who are missing in action or killed in action, never to return home.
Eleanor developed partnerships with the community to support organizations that positively contribute to the wellbeing of North Brunswick residents. Elmwood Cemetery has supported four Eagle Scout projects. In 2018 they collaborated with the North Brunswick Environmental Commission to host a Bio Blitz and they supported a North Brunswick Township student’s college internship which researched the 1918 influenza pandemic. Each February and March they offer programming for Black History Month and Women’s History Month.
Eleanor started the annual butterfly release and the Luminaria, two programs to offer a joyful remembrance for those in our community who are grieving and have suffered a loss. These programs are a reminder that we are not alone in grief. Eleanor has sought to make Elmwood a source of compassionate care for the bereft. She strives to serve North Brunswick Township with a place to remember and honor those who have gone before us.
Congratulations and thank you for your continued dedication to the North Brunswick community!