During snow fall, the Department of Public Works will clear the Township streets as soon as possible.
Remember, certain streets in the Township are not cleared by DPW and snow removal is the responsibility of the following other departments:
Middlesex County Streets and Road Department clears all County roads, such as: Adams Lane, Apple Orchard Lane, Church Lane, Cozzens Lane, Finnegan’s Lane, How Lane, Milltown Road, Old Georges Road (at Church Lane) and Old Georges Road at Edly’s Lane.
The New Jersey Department of Transportation clears all State highways such as: US Rt. 130, US Rt. 1, State Highway 27, State Highway 26 (Livingston Avenue , Rt. 1 to Nassau Street), State Highway 91 (Jersey Avenue, Route 1 to How Lane) and State Highway 171 (Georges Road, Rt. 1 to New Brunswick City Limits).
We all need to do our part!
Removing snow and ice from the streets, roads, sidewalks and driveways is a job we need to do together. By working together, we can clear the snow and ice for safe access to roads, businesses and residential properties.
Residential Property
It is the owner’s responsibility of any residential property in the Township to clear the sidewalk area in front or backing the owner’s land within 24 hours of the cessation of any storm of snow and ice.
Please dig out fire hydrants and catch basins. They are there for your protection!
The snow and ice should be removed so that unobstructed portions of the sidewalk area are open and cleared.
Non-Residential/Commercial Property or Lots
The owner of any non-residential, commercial property or lots in the Township should remove snow and ice within 12 hours of the cessation of any snow fall. Residents and Non-residential/Commercial property owners shall avoid throwing, snow blowing or depositing snow and ice into the roadways, especially after the roads are plowed. This is a violation of Township Ordinance Chapter 287. Violators can be fined or prosecuted.
If your home or business is next to a cross walk, please shovel a wide opening for pedestrians or children utilizing the walk. This is the neighborly thing to do for your children and residents living near you. If you are going to be out of town, please be sure someone will clear your sidewalk.
Please do not take it personally when a DPW plow pushes snow back into your driveway or onto the opening of your sidewalk. Every snow storm is different and must be handled differently. It is always the objective of the DPW to clear the Township streets from curb to curb to the best of our ability. Sometimes this effort requires we come back several times.
Parking and Snow Emergency Streets
In general, vehicles should be removed from No Parking/Snow Emergency Streets at the first sign of snowfall. Typically, the DPW will begin to plow streets at the 2” – 4” level.
Any unoccupied vehicle parked or standing in violation of the Township Ordinance shall be deemed a nuisance and menace to the safe and proper operation of traffic. A Police Office may require that vehicle be towed.
As always, please call DPW if you have any questions or concerns.