Township Council Workshop Meeting
May. 22, 2023
7:00 pm
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May. 22, 2023 7:00 pm
May. 22, 2023
Township Council Workshop Meeting
The Township Council Workshop Meeting will be held in-person at the Board of Education Meeting Room at Linwood School. The parking lot is in the back of the school, facing Hermann Road. Follow the ‘Board of Education’ sign to the building entrance. Masks are optional.
In-Person - BOE Meeting Room
25 Linwood Place, North Brunswick Township, NJ, USA
The Township Council Workshop Meeting will be held in-person at the Board of Education Meeting Room at Linwood School. The parking lot is in the back of the school, facing Hermann Road. Follow the ‘Board of Education’ sign to the building entrance. Masks are optional.
Online Agenda
Roll Call, Sunshine Notice and Cell Phone Statement
Ms. Gallimore
Bill List
Item of revenue in budget (Chapter 159): State of NJ Division of Highway Traffic Safety Grant - $7,000.00
Authorizing the renewal of a portion of the Township's $21,650,000 Bond Anticipation Notes, Series 2022A, Dated July 13, 2022, and authorizing Bond Anticipation Notes in the sum of $21,350,000 authorized by six Bond Ordinances heretofore adopted to finance various Capital Improvements in, by and for the Township of North Brunswick, County of Middlesex, New Jersey, and providing for other details of said issue
Item of revenue in budget (Chapter 159): NJ Hazardous Waste Administration 2020 Recycling Tonnage Grant - $92,405.49
Chief Battaglia
Authorizing and confirming the appointment of Andrew Heuer to the position of Class II Special Law Enforcement Officer
Authorizing and confirming the appointment of Class III Special Law Enforcement Officers
Authorizing the acceptance of the Sale of Auctioned Abandoned Motor Vehicles
Mr. Bloyed
Authorizing an amendment to Contract BID19012with National Water Main Cleaning Co. for Sewer Jet Vac Services
Authorizing an amendment to Contract BID22002 with IPL, North America Inc. for (up to 3,000) 95 Gallon Roll -Out Containers under the department of Public Works
Authorizing the acceptance of the State of New Jersey, Hazardous Waste Administration 202 Recycling Tonnage Grant - $92,405.49
Mr. Hritz
Authorizing a Change In Scope to the PSA with CME Associates appointed as the 2023 Township Consulting Engineering Firm to include Construction Administration and Record Drawing Services for the 2023 Road Program
Mayor Womack
Confirming the appointment of Luciana Wheeler as Deputy Court Administrator for the Township of North Brunswick
Judges Appointment
Ms. Progebin
Designating the Alternate Fund Commissioner to the Garden State Municipal Joint Insurance Fund
Authorizing an amendment to the 2023 Agreement with DeCotiis, Fitzpatrick, Cole & Giblin, LLP to serve as Municipal Labor Counsel
Confirming the application of the Funds under the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Grant Program towards the Municipal Complex Improvement Project
Authorizing a refund to Township Customer(s) for their Water-Sewer Utility Account
Municipal Clerk
Approval of Minutes / Special Council Meeting / May 8, 2023
Approval of Minutes / Regular Council Meeting / May 15, 2023
Authorizing the renewal of Liquor Licenses for 2023-2024 in the Township of North Brunswick
Ordinance #23-11 - Second Reading and Public Hearing - Bond Ordinance providing for Capital Improvements for and by the Township of North Brunswick, in the County of Middlesex, New Jersey, appropriating the aggregate amount of $10,000,000 therefor and authorizing the issuance of $9,500,000 in Bonds or Notes of the Township to finance part of the cost thereof
Public Hearing
Closed Session - Labor Negotiations - Crossing Guard Association Local 108
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