***BID25005 – Library Renovation Project Addendum No. 1***
The Township is in the process of transitioning its online procurement operations to OpenGov. To continue to receive bid and RFP notifications, you will need to register as a vendor utilizing the steps below:
- Go to our new procurement portal: https://procurement.opengov.com/portal/northbrunswicknj and select “Subscribe”
- If your company already has an OpenGov account, you can use that same account for multiple government entities.
- If your company has not yet created an OpenGov account, you will be prompted to do so.
- Check your inbox for an email from OpenGov with a link to activate your account which you must do in order to opt into bid and RFP notifications.
The Division of Purchasing is responsible for issuing and receiving public bids. In addition, the Purchasing Division is responsible for processing the township’s purchase orders and receiving bills to be paid.
Municipalities in the State of New Jersey are required by state law to publish and receive bids from the public on items costing over $44,000 that are not purchased through a State Contract. In order to enhance the competitive bidding process by broadening the population receiving notices, North Brunswick Township publishes items for which they wish to receive bids on the website in addition to the traditional means of advertising bids.