News & Notices For Mayor's Office

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Amaranth age-restricted luxury rental community opens in North Brunswick

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Governor Murphy Announces FEMA Major Disaster Declaration for Six New Jersey Counties Impacted by Tropical Storm Ida


Engineering firm hired to design North Brunswick train station

North/South Brunswick Sentinel - Traveling from North Brunswick to MetLife Stadium and American Dream in East Rutherford, or to Yankee…

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North Brunswick appoints new councilman

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North Brunswick remembers the lives of Township residents lost to the COVID-19 pandemic

Mayor Francis ‘Mac’ Womack, Township Council President Carlo Socio, Schools Superintendent Dr. Brian Zychowski and Office of Emergency Management Coordinator…

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North Brunswick has ‘rich, wonderful’ history

North/South Brunswick Sentinel - Although the 250th anniversary of the founding of North Brunswick is eight years away, current township…


Statement from Mayor Womack and the Township Council

The people, the Council, and the Mayor of North Brunswick support our elected officials in Washington and pray for their…


COVID-19 Vaccination Information

New Jersey is planning to roll out COVID-19 vaccines in a phased approach to all adults who live, work, or…


North Brunswick officials reflect on how 2020 set the course for 2021

North/South Brunswick Sentinel - 2020 was a tough year for North Brunswick Township, aside from the tragedy surrounding the coronavirus…
