Chapter 266-10, “Rental Housing” of the Code of the Township of North Brunswick, requires every landlord to register with the Department of Community Development every three (3) years on October 1st. Landlord registrations shall expire on the third September 30th following their filing.
Registration Form
A fee of $30 shall accompany each certificate of registration for each rental property (one fee per property, not per rental unit) along with newly required insurance and lead paint certifications as detailed below.
New Landlord Registration Requirements
The State of New Jersey has adopted two (2) new laws that require municipalities to enforce regulations for landlords who maintain rental properties. Landlords are now required by these new laws to:
▪ Maintain certain liability insurance policies.
▪ Provide a valid lead-free certification for all homes built during
or prior to 1978.
All property owners who seek to register as landlords, all landlords who are renewing their registrations, and all landlords who seek a rental inspection at a change of tenancy, must comply with these new regulations and secure both certifications as the State of New Jersey now requires by law.
Property owners should consult with an insurance professional and will be subject to a lead-based paint evaluation to satisfy these new registration requirements.
The owner of a rental unit or multi-family home which is four or fewer units, one of which is owner-occupied, shall annually provide to the township a certificate of insurance that maintains liability insurance in an amount of no less than $300,000 for combined property damage and bodily injury to or death of one or more persons in any one accident or occurrence.
Otherwise, the owner of a rental unit or multi-family home shall annually provide to the township a certificate of insurance that maintains liability insurance in an amount of no less than $500,000 for combined property damage and bodily injury to or death of one or more persons in any one accident or occurrence.
A valid certificate of insurance must be submitted at the time of submitting a landlord registration or renewal, or seeking a rental inspection for a change of tenancy.
All landlords of single family, two-family, and multi-family homes constructed prior to 1978 are required to secure a valid lead-safe certification affirming the absence of lead-based paint hazards. The township will conduct the inspection for a fee of $20, which can be scheduled independently or made part of a rental inspection. A property owner may also secure a third-party to conduct the inspection and the submit the certification with a $20 fee.
A valid lead-safe certification will be required at the time of submitting a landlord registration or renewal, or seeking a rental inspection for a change of tenancy.
If the township finds that a lead-based paint hazard exists in a dwelling unit upon conducting an inspection, then the owner of the dwelling unit shall remediate the lead-based paint hazard by using abatement or lead-based paint hazard control methods, approved in accordance with the provisions of the “Lead Hazard Control Assistance Act,” P.L.2003, c.311 (C.52:27D-437.1 et al.). Upon the remediation of the lead-based paint hazard, the lead evaluation contractor or permanent local agency shall conduct an additional inspection of the unit to certify that the hazard no longer exists and then provide that certification to the township.
A state issued list of certified lead abatement evaluators can be found here:
A state issued list of certified lead abatement contractors can be found here:
Some landlords with tenants who qualify may also be eligible for free remediation services through the program below.
Rental Inspections
A rental inspection is required when a landlord registration is first filed and then subsequently each time there is a change of tenancy. The inspection requires a $50 fee, made payable to the Code Enforcement Officer at the time of inspection by cash, check or money order made payable to the Township of North Brunswick. An emergency inspection, with a fee of $70 is required when tenants are already in place or a landlord registration is expired and not properly renewed in time.
Rental inspections are scheduled by phone or email and no form is required. While at your property, the inspector will complete a Rental Housing Inspection Form, a copy of which appears below and details the scope of what the inspection will entail.