North Brunswick Township has contracted with the Middlesex County Improvement Authority (MCIA) to perform the curbside recycling collection and the processing recycling using a “single stream” program. This means that residents can put all their recycling together in the container. Residents are free to continue to separate their recycling if they chose to do so.
Each resident is to purchase their own recycling container, the Township does not provide them. Any color of recycling container is allowed and the size of container must not be more than 32 gallons in size or weigh over 50 pounds. Residents must place recycling out the night before (or no later than 6 a.m.) on collection day.
Did you know…
You can use any style container, including old garbage cans, for recyclables.
There are four major components to curbside recycling:
Co-mingled Recyclables Glass bottles, jars, plastic containers (#1 & #2), aluminum cans, steel cans, and tin cans. Please do not include plastic or paper bags with your recycling materials. | Mixed Paper Mixed paper includes mail, envelopes, catalogs, magazines, office paper and used books (tied & bundled). No hard covers on books. Bundles should be no more than 20 pounds. |
Newspaper Newspapers must be tied in bundles no more than 12 inches high. | Cardboard Layered cardboard with a center that is shaped into ridges, folds or grooves (such as shipping boxes and the packaging for most appliances or larger household items. Flatten the cardboard and tie the sheets into stacks no larger than 48 inches square and 48 inches high and bundles should not weigh more than 40 lbs.• Non-wax-coated food and cereal boxes, tissue boxes, shoe boxes, and gift boxes. |
Have a question about the recycling schedule and specific guidelines?
Please call DPW at (732) 297-1134.