Pool Licensing & Inspections

Recreational and Bathing Inspections

All seasonal recreational bathing facilities, including swimming pools, spas and lakes are inspected at least twice during the operating season. Indoor pools are inspected four times a year.

Inspectors check the water quality and safety equipment at all pools. Lifeguarding, first aid and CPR certification are also reviewed. For more information on pool inspections, please call (732) 247-0922 x254 or 732-745-3100.

All public pools must be licensed annually through the Municipal Clerk’s office.

In order to obtain the yearly license, the facility must be inspected by both the Health Inspector and the Electrical Inspector before opening for the season.

Bonding and grounding certifications are good for 5 years from testing date and must be recertified before the expiration date. Pools without active bonding and grounding certificates will not be permitted to open.

You may contact the Health Inspector at (732) 247-0922, ext. 254. You can request an electrical inspection by contacting the Construction office at (732) 247-0922, ext. 450.

Plan Reviews:

All new construction for public pools must have a plan review completed by the registered Environmental Health Specialist. They must comply to all rules of NJAC 8:26. Plans must provide the following:

– Basic design factors: water capacity and volume
– Layout including pump room and where chemicals will be stored
– Side (riser) view of pool that includes slopes and drain placement, piping, etc.
– Type of system to be used (chlorine, bromine, salt)
– Type of filter (sand, etc.)
– Manufacturer specifications
– Where electrical emergency shutoff will be located
– Drain cover specifications and anti-entrapment certification
– If any backup devices will be employed in addition (Vac Alert or Stingl, etc.
– Location of electrical panel for pool
– Location of a shower and drain to the pool area
– Location of restrooms
– Location of an emergency phone

For additional Recreational Bathing questions, resources, or required documentation for submission (CB-20, Pre-Operational Checklist, or Exemption Declaration forms) please click below.

