The mission for the Township of North Brunswick Municipal Alliance Committee is to assist in eradicating the use of marijuana with coordinated efforts through education and expansion of public awareness to reduce marijuana use through community events and programs.
The vision of the Municipal Alliance Committee is to provide education on the dangers and misuse of marijuana.
The Municipal Alliance Committee receives grant funding which is utilized to provide substance abuse education and prevention programs to the community and all schools throughout the district.
In February, the Municipal Alliance hosts a three part Women’s & Men’s Mentorship/Leadership Series for students at the North Brunswick Township Middle School and North Brunswick Township High School. The program is sponsored through funding by the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism & Drug Abuse and the Committee, with support from Mayor Francis Womack III and the Township Council.
The committee meets the third Wednesday of each month.
Upcoming Event

Municipal Alliance News
At the March 24 Township Council Meeting, the North Brunswick Municipal Alliance presented the winning banner designs from the 2025 Annual Women’s and Men’s Mentorship/ Leadership Conference Series, which included 8th grade North Brunswick Township Middle School and 11th grade North Brunswick Township High School students.
Congratulations to students Beyonca Hatcher, Alicia Taylor, Nicole Dumashie and Nishta Patel!

The 2025 Annual Women’s and Men’s Mentorship/Leadership Conference Series, which included 8th grade North Brunswick Township Middle School and 11th grade North Brunswick Township High School students, was held at the North Brunswick Senior Center in February.
The Men’s session took place on February 7, the Women’s session on February 14 and the Women’s and Men’s session on February 21.
Please click below for the photo galleries of each session.
2023 Women’s and Men’s Mentorship/Leadership Series Banner Designs Unveiled
At the April 17 Township Council Meeting, the North Brunswick Municipal Alliance presented the winning banner designs from the 2023 Annual Women’s and Men’s Mentorship/ Leadership Conference Series, which included 8th grade North Brunswick Township Middle School and 11th grade North Brunswick Township High School students.
Congratulations to students Maya Khattab, Saanvi Singh, Samantha Borge, Jacob DeAndrea, Lukesh Mehindra and John Eid!

North Brunswick In the Know
A Newsletter written by Students FOR Students
Free program for students in grades 6th – 8th provided through the Municipal Alliance Committee. We are looking for students to create a newsletter about your community including leading headline stories, school trends, community leadership and other exciting interesting topics. Please click on the link below for further information.
Twyla Paige
Zaire Ali
Lou Ann Benson
Municipal Alliance Coordinator
Zhavier Bonds
Jason Fruhschein
Carleen Fruhschein
Charoulla Georgiou
Middlesex County Coordinator
Councilwoman Amanda Guadagnino
Council Liaison
Latisha Hall
Rosemarie Hammad
Detective Seeta Jones
Liz LaVielle
Councilman Rajesh Mehta
Council Member
Laura Pelszynski
Kim Westinheiser
Diana Whalen
Dan Wolf
Tony Yuhas
Venkata Pedditi
Neetu Gupta
Blisse Vakkalagadda
Diya Coummarassamy
2023 Women’s and Men’s Leadership Conference Series

The 2022 North Brunswick Municipal Alliance Committee and the Partnership for a Drug – Free New Jersey in corporation with the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse and the NJ Department of Human Services, along with the PSE&G Foundation share an initiative to bring awareness to children and their families on information and tips on how to speak to their children on the dangers of substance use.
On Thursday, February 24, two hundred activity books were presented to Parsons Elementary School Principal Diana Whalen and Parsons Third Grade Teacher Matt Kravetsky by members of the North Brunswick Municipal Alliance Committee, Councilman Rajesh Mehta, Laura Pelszynski Co – Chairwoman of the North Brunswick Municipal Alliance Committee, Pete Clark and LouAnn Benson, Director of Parks Recreation and Community Services/Municipal Alliance Coordinator presented the activity booklets.
The activity books are colorful, including a contract for the child and parent to sign together pledging to stay alcohol, tobacco and drug free. Inside the free activity booklet includes drug -free crossword puzzles, outdoor fun activities, cut outs to make book markers encouraging reading fun and activities promoting just say No to drugs and alcohol by making healthy lifestyle choices.

The North Brunswick Municipal Alliance participated in a random act of service by donating cases of water to benefit the families who are staying at the Ronald McDonald House in New Brunswick to commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King Day of Service.
The families are provided meals and rooms at RMH whose children are being treated at Bristol-Myers-Squibb Children’s Hospital at RWJ University Hospital.

The North Brunswick Municipal Alliance Committee collected socks for the North Brunswick Domestic Violence Response Team and food for the North Brunswick Food Bank. A special thank you is extended for their assistance from the Boy Scout Troop 18 for their outstanding contributions and to all residents that made donations.
1st 2 photos – From left: Councilman Rajesh Mehta, Municipal Alliance member Diana Whalen, NBTPD Detective Seeta Jones, DPRCS Director Lou Ann Benson, North Brunswick Food Bank Coordinator Kathy Aruta and Municipal Alliance member Pete Clark.
3rd photo: From left: DPRCS Director Lou Ann Benson, North Brunswick Food Bank Coordinator Kathy Aruta and North Brunswick Domestic Violence Response Team Volunteer Coordinator Cyndi Baumgartner

The North Brunswick Buddy Ball Soccer Program held its Recognition Day on Saturday, June 12, 2021 at Community Park.
The North Brunswick Municipal Alliance provided goodie bags with information on vaping, alcohol abuse, and 10 reasons to say no to drugs along with snacks.
The goodie bags were provided by Lou Ann Benson, North Brunswick Municipal Alliance coordinator and presented by Pete Clark, North Brunswick Municipal Alliance member.

The North Brunswick Township Municipal Alliance Committee donated books to support the North Brunswick Domestic Violence Response Team.
Councilwoman Amanda Guadagnino, Council Liaison to the Committee, along with Committee members Christine DeMuro, Pete Clark and Rajesh Mehta presented books to Cyndi Baumgartner and Melanie Paccillo of the Domestic Violence Response Team.