Township Council Workshop Meeting

Nov. 21, 2022

7:00 pm

Add to Calendar Nov. 21, 2022 7:00 pm Nov. 21, 2022 UTC Township Council Workshop Meeting The Township Council Workshop Meeting will be held in-person at the Board of Education Meeting Room at Linwood School. The parking lot is in the back of the school, facing Hermann Road.  Follow the ‘Board of Education’ sign to the building entrance. There will also be a virtual component through the Go To Meeting platform. Masks are optional. Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also dial in using your phone. (For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.) United States: +1 (571) 317-3122 – One-touch: tel:+15713173122,,818275557# Access Code: 818-275-557 Hybrid In-Person/Virtual - BOE Meeting Room
Hybrid In-Person/Virtual - BOE Meeting Room

25 Linwood Place, North Brunswick Township, NJ, USA

The Township Council Workshop Meeting will be held in-person at the Board of Education Meeting Room at Linwood School. The parking lot is in the back of the school, facing Hermann Road.  Follow the ‘Board of Education’ sign to the building entrance. There will also be a virtual component through the Go To Meeting platform. Masks are optional.

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
(For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.)

United States: +1 (571) 317-3122
– One-touch: tel:+15713173122,,818275557#

Access Code: 818-275-557

Online Agenda

Roll Call, Sunshine Notice and Cell Phone Statement

Ms. Gallimore


Bill List

Ms. Benson


DMHAS - (Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services) Youth Leadership Grant _ $5,000


Governor's Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse - Fiscal Grant Cycle October 2020 - June 2025 $17,664.00

Mr. Chaszar


Authorizing an amendment to Contract BID20003 with Municipal Maintenance Company under the Department of Public Works Sewer Division for Maintenance and Repair of Sewer Lift Stations


Authorizing the Award of Contract BID22013 to Frank Galbraith & Son Excavation & Demolition for Snow Removal Services

Mr. Hritz


Authorizing the donation of Fire Equipment to the Township of Frelinghuysen Volunteer Fire Company

Ms. Progebin


Authorizing the purchase of Electricity Supply Services for Public Use on an online auction website

Municipal Clerk


Approval of minutes / Special Council Meeting / 11.07.22


Approval of Minutes / Regular Council Meeting / 11.14.22


Ordinance #22-27 - Second reading and public hearing - An Ordinance of the Township of North Brunswick in Middlesex County, New Jersey deleting Chapter 234, "Parks and Playgrounds," Section 5, "Solicitation of Alms and Contributions" and amending Chapter 238 "Disorderly Conduct" Section 1, "Prohibited Activities"


Ordinance #22-28 - Second reading and public hearing - An Ordinance of the Township of North Brunswick to acquire by Negotiated Agreement interest in Real Property in the form of an Easement along Finnegans Lane on the Official Tax Map of the Township of North Brunswick, Middlesex County, New Jersey, for the Finnegans Lane Traffic Signal Improvement Project


Ordinance #22-29 - Second reading and public hearing - An Ordinance of the Township of North Brunswick amending and supplementing Chapter 50, "Length of Service Awards Program" increasing the maximum annual contribution in support of Volunteer Fire Department Members


Ordinance #22-30 - Second reading and public hearing - An Ordinance by the Township of North Brunswick in Middlesex County, New Jersey amending Chapter 205, "Land Use" of the Code of the Township of North Brunswick, Article XXIIA "Cannabis Overlay Zone Regulations" in support of the expansion of existing Alternative Treatment Centers

Public Hearing


Related Documents
PDF iconTownship Council Workshop Meeting Notice with Virtual Login Information video iconVideo