NJ Transit Informational Public Hearing – Senior Citizens & Disabled Residents Transportation Assistance Program

Oct. 28, 2021

6:00 pm

Add to Calendar Oct. 28, 2021 6:00 pm Oct. 28, 2021 UTC NJ Transit Informational Public Hearing – Senior Citizens & Disabled Residents Transportation Assistance Program NJ Transit will be conducting virtual hearings on Thursday, October 28 regarding the Senior Citizen & Disabled Residents Transportation Assistance Program. The program funds capital, operating, and/or administrative expenses for locally coordinated paratransit services for senior citizens and people with disabilities. It also funds accessibility improvements to NJ TRANSIT’s fixed route bus and rail system, the provision of technical assistance to the counties, and the administration of the statewide program. If you plan to speak at one of these virtual hearings, please contact cderrick@njtransit.com or leave your contact information via voicemail at 973- 491- 7772 by Monday, October 11, 2021.… Virtual Conferencing
Virtual Conferencing

NJ Transit will be conducting virtual hearings on Thursday, October 28 regarding the Senior Citizen & Disabled Residents Transportation Assistance Program. The program funds capital, operating, and/or administrative expenses for locally coordinated paratransit services for senior citizens and people with disabilities. It also funds accessibility improvements to NJ TRANSIT’s fixed route bus and rail system, the provision of technical assistance to the counties, and the administration of the statewide program.

If you plan to speak at one of these virtual hearings, please contact cderrick@njtransit.com or leave your contact information via voicemail at 973- 491- 7772 by Monday, October 11, 2021.

Written comments for the record may be sent to Public Hearing Comments 2021, NJ
TRANSIT, Local Programs 8 Community Transportation, One Penn Plaza East, 4th Floor, Newark, New Jersey 07l05-2246, or via email at publichearings@njtransit.com by Thursday October 28, 2021.

For further information on the hearing, including login information, please click on the link below.

NJ Transit Informational Public Hearing Flyer
