The North Brunswick Boost – North Brunswick Food Bank

The Boost spotlights the North Brunswick Food Bank with special guest Kathy Aruta, Food Bank President. Food Bank distribution is on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and Thursdays from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Senior Center, 15 Linwood Place. If you are interested in volunteering, please call the Department of Parks, …

The North Brunswick Boost – Renewable Diesel

The Boost travels to the Department of Public Works as Director Steve Bloyed discusses the Township’s recent move from regular diesel to Neste MY Renewable Diesel for its vehicle diesel fleet and generators. It is a renewable hydrotreated vegetable oil that is chemically identical to fossil diesel. North Brunswick is the first municipality in Middlesex …

Traffic Advisory – Route 1 – Aaron Road to Finnegans Lane

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) is extending its “Hard Shoulder” pilot program from South Brunswick along Route 1 in North Brunswick between Aaron Road and Finnegans Lane.  The project allows shoulders to be used as travel lanes during designated times. Accordingly, work to widen the shoulders for milling and paving will take place …

Navy veteran honored at North Brunswick Veteran Street Sign Ceremony

North Brunswick honored United States Navy veteran Juan A. Rendon by dedicating Edlys Lane and Miriam Drive as Rendon Way on Monday, June 3. Juan was born on August 1, 1970 in Medellin, Columbia. Juan was a graduate of Aviation School in the Queens in 1988 where he went directly into training in Great Lakes …

North Brunswick honors Air Force veteran at June 3 Veteran Street Sign Ceremony

North Brunswick honored United States Air Force veteran Richard Rico Samaroo by dedicating Farrington Boulevard and Kearney Drive as Samaroo Way on Monday, June 3. Ricowas born in Guyana, South America.In 2009, the Samaroo family moved to North Brunswick where Ricostarted the 2nd grade. Ricoin September 2017 went to Lackland Air Force Base to start …

Banners unveiled, Mayor’s Wellness Challenge winners announced and ALS Awareness Month proclaimed at May 20 Township Council Meeting

At the May 20 Township Council Meeting, two winning banners from the Municipal Alliance Leadership/Mentorship Conference were unveiled, awards were presented for Mayor Womack’s Wellness Challenge and a proclamation was read designating May as ALS Awareness Month. The banner designs were created at the Annual Women’s and Men’s Mentorship/ Leadership Conference Series, which included 8th …