With Craigslist and other online markets rising in popularity, the idea of meeting stranger(s) to conduct transaction in an unfamiliar place can have a criminal element. Safe Zone Purpose The purpose of the “Craigslist Safe Zone” is to ensure safety for all parties involved in the transaction. By being in a well lit, video surveillance …
ATTENTION NORTH BRUNSWICK HOMEOWNERSNorth Brunswick Housing Rehabilitation Program (HRP) Provides Funds to Renovate Your Home If you own a 1-4 family house in North Brunswick Township, you may be eligible for up to $30,000 in financial assistance to renovate your property. The Township of North Brunswick has selected the North Brunswick Housing Corporation (NBHC) to …
THE SENIOR TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM IS FOR INDIVIDUALS WHO DO NOT DRIVE OR HAVE ANY OTHER MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION. You must BE PRE-REGISTERED and receive a TRANSPORTATION ID CARD in order to use the North Brunswick Township Transportation Services. Contact the Senior Center office, located at 15 Linwood Place, AT LEAST 2 days in advance to set up …
North Brunswick Township is accepting donations toward the restoration of the Veterans Memorial located at Veterans Park, Roosevelt Avenue. If you have a family member who served in the United States Military during a wartime period, you can honor them by making a donation of $75.00 to help restore the Veterans Memorial. Your veteran will have a …
The Township of North Brunswick’s Wartime Veteran Street Sign Program is designed to recognize wartime veteran’s who have served our community and country by adding their name on a secondary honorary street sign to an existing municipal road. Our hope is to promote public awareness of the individual and show our appreciation for their outstanding …
Before and After School Program Instructions to create online registration account In conjunction with our Township mission, the Department of Parks, Recreation & Community Services (DRPCS) is dedicated to rendering optimal service in the areas of child care, senior programming, public recreation events and programs, topic training, awareness and development to an approximate 44,000 population …
Latex paint should be left open to dry completely, securely tied in a trash bag and placed in your automated cart. NO LIQUID PAINT of any kind can be collected curbside. Please bring them to a paint drop off location. For drop off days and more information, click the link below.
Middlesex County holds Hazardous waste drop off days throughout the year. Drop off your household chemicals, motor oils, batteries, pesticides, and more for free at the various locations throughout the county. Residents must wear face coverings, keep their vehicle windows closed and stay in their vehicles at all times. Please have your materials in your …