Miscellaneous Waste

Middlesex County offers various recycling programs that are free to North Brunswick and county residents. For more information, click the links below. Always check the county website for important updates or changes to the schedule before you go. Household Hazardous Waste Held a number of times a year throughout the county. The household hazardous waste …

Senior Meals on Wheels

The Senior Meal Program/Home Delivered Meals are available for isolated homebound seniors who have no formal or informal caregiver and are unable to attend a congregate meal program and are available to Middlesex County Seniors aged 60 and older. The program is funded in part by a federal grant and relies on client donations for support. …

Snow & Ice Removal

During snow fall, the Department of Public Works will clear the Township streets as soon as possible. Remember, certain streets in the Township are not cleared by DPW and snow removal is the responsibility of the following other departments: Middlesex County Streets and Road Department clears all County roads, such as: Adams Lane, Apple Orchard Lane, …