The North Brunswick Township Municipal Alliance Committee donated books to support the North Brunswick Domestic Violence Response Team. Councilwoman Amanda Guadagnino, Council Liaison to the Committee, along with Committee members Christine DeMuro, Pete Clark and Rajesh Mehta presented books to Cyndi Baumgartner and Melanie Paccillo of the Domestic Violence Response Team.
12/8/2020 Bill Cycle: Beginning in July 2020, the Township began to migrate billing from Quarterly to Monthly with the expectation to be fully monthly by January 2021. When billed quarterly, a customer’s bill date was based on one of the four “cycles” they were in. The last bill issued 10/19/2020 (Period 8) was for consumption …
Continue reading “Update on Water / Sewer Billing”
Home News Tribune – Although the 2020 high school marching band season looked a lot different than year’s past, the season that North Brunswick High School was able to have went a long way to providing a sense of normalcy for its participants.
Check out Mayor’s Womack blog for pictures of homes in North Brunswick decorated for the holiday season! Over the weekend, the Mayor took pictures of decorated houses along the Route 130 corridor. Be sure to check back in throughout the month! Mayor Womack’s blog link
North/South Brunswick Sentinel – North Brunswick is the 17th municipality to join the Middlesex County Improvement Authority’s (MCIA) curbside recycling program.