‘The show must go on’ for North Brunswick Township High School theater company

Whether bumping into furniture during a well-choreographed dance routine or having a parent inadvertently walk into the room while reciting lines for a skit, young actors found rehearsing virtually from home with their peers to be a challenge. 

Middlesex County officials provide a COVID-19 vaccine update

“The COVID-19 vaccine has given residents around the nation and our County the hope that they have been longing for throughout this COVID-19 pandemic. Middlesex County has been committed to ensuring everyone that wants a vaccine receives a vaccine; however, unfortunately, the County is not immune to the vaccine supply challenges, including those caused by recent severe weather around the country, facing counties throughout the United States. Specifically, as a result of the severe weather around the Country, and particularly in the mid-west last week, the State of New Jersey’s vaccine shipments from the federal government have been delayed. As of this morning, we have received the delayed shipments and are actively working on rescheduling appointments.

Though these challenges have forced us to cancel appointments over the past week, those appointments will be rescheduled for this week. If a resident had an appointment canceled, they will receive an email from NJVSS with a date for your new appointment. For those concerned about the timing of their second dose, while it is recommended that a second dose of the vaccine be received within 28 days of the first dose, we want to reassure residents that second doses are effective up to six weeks following a first dose. We recognize the desire for those vaccine-eligible residents to receive their first and second doses, but we ask for residents’ understanding as we deal with factors outside our control.”

Statement from Mayor Womack and the Township Council

The people, the Council, and the Mayor of North Brunswick support our elected officials in Washington and pray for their safety, and the safety of all law enforcement at the Capitol.

Although we are aware of no local danger, we are taking all appropriate steps to ensure the uninterrupted safety and security of our residents.

COVID-19 Vaccination Information

New Jersey is planning to roll out COVID-19 vaccines in a phased approach to all adults who live, work, or are being educated in the State. Please click on the links below for vaccine information.

For further information regarding COVID-19, please click on the link below.

Mayor Womack and Township Council rebuke move by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), other US Senate members to block passage of “Daniel’s Law”

North Brunswick Mayor Francis “Mac” Womack and the Township Council adopted a resolution rebuking Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), who used his office in the United States Senate to block a bill sponsored by New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez which affords members of the federal judiciary additional physical security protections. The legislation referred to as “Daniel’s Law” was drafted after Daniel Anderl, the only son of Justice Esther Salas, was murdered, and her husband Mark Anderl critically wounded during an attack at their Township residence by an individual who too easily obtained the justice’s personal information.

“It is unconscionable that Rand Paul and other members of his caucus would delay measures protecting individuals and the families of those serving our nation as members of the judiciary when the tragic loss of Daniel Anderl is a glaring example as to why we need additional security measures.”

Sen. Menendez’s bill would prevent data brokers from selling or trading personal identifying information of federal judges, as well as provide funding to states in the form of grants to enforce the program. Paul halted the bill’s progress as he sought an amendment which would have added members of Congress to the protected group. Others members of Paul’s caucus were not in favor of additional funds for the U.S. Marshall’s Service.

“How ironic for a group of politicians who in large part vilified a segment of our society as a ‘Me Too’ movement suddenly are crying ‘me too’. The right thing to do would be to move Daniel’s Law forward and address the other concerns in separate legislation. We want to make it clear that we stand behind a grieving mother and father, the healing of our Township and passage of legislation that goes a long way to accomplishing that and more.”

