Police Week Ceremony

The North Brunswick Police Department hosts an annual ceremony during National Police Week, usually the calendar week of May 15.  During the ceremony, Township Police Officers are honored with Departmental Awards for superior performance in the execution of their duties. National Police Week honors those who serve their communities through law enforcement and pays special recognition …

National Night Out

National Night Out is a free annual community event held across the country, bringing together residents and community services.  Held on the first Tuesday of August in the Police Department parking lot, this fun event is for the whole family! Join us for activities for kids of all ages, including a bouncy house and slides, …

Cops & Rodders Car Show

The North Brunswick Police Department and North Brunswick PBA 160 host an annual celebration of all things cars and motors.  The Cops & Rodders Car Show is held every April near Chamberlain University off Route 1 North.

911 for Emergencies

9-1-1 is the number set aside by telephone companies throughout the United States to put you in touch with emergency aid agencies. An emergency is any situation involving a crime in progress, or an imminent threat to life, bodily injury, or major property damage or loss. A home burglary in progress, a man with a …

Craigslist Safe Zone

With Craigslist and other online markets rising in popularity, the idea of meeting stranger(s) to conduct transaction in an unfamiliar place can have a criminal element. Safe Zone Purpose The purpose of the “Craigslist Safe Zone” is to ensure safety for all parties involved in the transaction. By being in a well lit, video surveillance …

Senior Transportation Information

THE SENIOR TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM IS FOR INDIVIDUALS WHO DO NOT DRIVE OR HAVE ANY OTHER MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION. You must BE PRE-REGISTERED and receive a TRANSPORTATION ID CARD in order to use the North Brunswick Township Transportation Services. Contact the Senior Center office, located at 15 Linwood Place, AT LEAST 2 days in advance to set up …

Veteran Memorial Pavers Program

North Brunswick Township is accepting donations toward the restoration of the Veterans Memorial located at Veterans Park, Roosevelt Avenue. If you have a family member who served in the United States Military during a wartime period, you can honor them by making a donation of $75.00 to help restore the Veterans Memorial. Your veteran will have a …