Township Council Workshop Meeting
Aug. 28, 2023
7:00 pm
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Aug. 28, 2023 7:00 pm
Aug. 28, 2023
Township Council Workshop Meeting
The Township Council Workshop Meeting will be held in-person at the Board of Education Meeting Room at Linwood School. The parking lot is in the back of the school, facing Hermann Road. Follow the ‘Board of Education’ sign to the building entrance. Masks are optional.
In-Person - BOE Meeting Room
25 Linwood Place, North Brunswick Township, NJ, USA
The Township Council Workshop Meeting will be held in-person at the Board of Education Meeting Room at Linwood School. The parking lot is in the back of the school, facing Hermann Road. Follow the ‘Board of Education’ sign to the building entrance. Masks are optional.
Online Agenda
Roll Call, Sunshine Notice and Cell Phone Statement
Ms. Gallimore
Bill List
Report of the Chief Financial Officer of the Township as to Award of Notes
Authorizing the cancelling of taxes for a 100% Disabled Veteran - 374 Wheeler Road
Authorizing the cancellation of taxes for a 100% Disabled Veteran - 18 Princess Drive
Authorizing the redemption of a Township Lien - $3385.27
Authorizing the redemption of a Township Lien - $3276.45
Authorizing the redemption of a Township Lien - $3008.75
Authorizing the redemption of a Township Lien - $3387.27
Authorizing the redemption of a Township Lien - $5678.04
Authorizing the redemption of a Township Lien - $1988.03
Authorizing the redemption of a Township Lien - $1988.03
Authorizing the redemption of a Township Lien - $16,895.03
Authorizing the redemption of a Township Lien - $2039.68
Ms. Benson
Establishing Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Services Program Fees 2023-2024
Authorizing acceptance of funds from the North Brunswick DPRCS Swim Team Parents Association for the North Brunswick Township Aquatics Rapids Swim Team
North Brunswick Municipal Alliance Food Drive / gift card collection to local stores for the North Brunswick Food Bank
Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) Youth Leadership Grant Municipal Alliance acceptance $5,000
Governor's Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse authorizes acceptance $17,664.00 Fiscal Year 2024
Upcoming FALL DPRCS Programs and special events
DPRCS Summer 2023 program's at a glance (approximately 3 minute video)
Chief Battaglia
Authorizing the acceptance of the sale of auctioned abandoned Motor Vehicles
Mr. Bloyed
Authorizing the advertisement for the Receipt of Bids for the Purchase of a Submersible Pump for the Schmidt Lane Pump Station
Authorizing the advertisement for the Receipt of Bids for the Maintenance and Repair of Traffic Light Signals under the Department of Public Works
Authorizing an amendment to Contract BID20003 with Municipal Maintenance Company under the Department of Public Works Sewer Division for Maintenance and Repair of Sewer Lift Stations
Mr. Hritz
Authorizing execution of an Agreement with International Fireworks Mfg. Co., Inc. for the 2023 Heritage Day Fireworks Display
Resolution of concurrence by the Township Council of the Township of North Brunswick for the NJ State Department of Transportation in support of the NJDOT Systemic Backplate Pilot Program, Central region, Route 27
Authorizing a Private Improvements Bond Release for Kimco North Brunswick 617, Inc. and Kimco Realty Corporation
Authorizing the Award of Contract BID 23007 to Halecon, Inc. for the Babbage Park Basketball Court Rehabilitation Project
Authorizing Award of Contract BID24001 to for the Huron Road Improvement Project
Authorizing a Change In Scope to the PSA with CME Associates appointed as the 2023 Township Consulting Engineering Firm to include Construction Administration and Record Drawing Services for the Huron Road Project
Mr. Gordon
Authorizing the execution of an Condominium Services Act Agreement with the Oaks at North Brunswick for Refuse Containers and Pick Up
Ms. Progebin
Authorizing an amendment to Contract BID20008 with ION Wave Technologies Inc. for Online Procurement Software
Authorizing an adjustment to Township Customer(s) for their Water-Sewer Utility Account
Authorizing a Propriety Contract with RIO Supply, Inc. for Neptune 360 Water AMI System and Wastesmart Software
Authorizing the Award of Contract PRO23064 for Municipal Court Office Desk Cubicles as part of the Municipal Complex Restoration Project
Authorizing a Contract Amendment to the 2023 appointment with Shamy, Shipers and Lonski as Municipal Prosecutor
Authorizing a Change In Scope to the PSA with T&M Associates appointed as the 2023 Township Environmental Engineer for Assistance with Air and Groundwater Sampling, Classification and Reporting to the NJDEP associated with the Site Remediation of the High School, Veterans Park and Adjoining Parcels
Amending an Agreement with Trillium, Inc. to provide Environmental Consulting Services in the Soil Remediation Litigation as an E.U.S.
Authorizing an Amendment to the Contract with Patriot Roofing, Inc. for the Municipal Complex Roof and Gutter Replacement Project Change Order No. 1
Authorizing a Change In Scope to the 2023 PSA with T&M Associates for Environmental Engineering Services associated with HVAC Remediation and Restoration Work for the Municipal Complex Building
Authorizing an Amendment to the Agreement with BDO, USA, LLP to provide for Claims Administrative Services for Municipal Claims related to Hurricane Ida as an E.U.S.
Municipal Clerk
Authorizing the renewal of Liquor Licenses for 2022 - 2023 and 2023 - 2024 Licensing Term in the Township of North Brunswick NEST NB LLC
Approval of Minutes - 07.24.23
Approval of Minutes - 07.28.23
Approval of Minutes - 08.07.23
#23-12 - Second Reading and Public Hearing - An Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 334-54 Vehicles and traffic of the Code of the Township of North Brunswick
#23-13 - Second Reading and Public Hearing - An Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 227 "Parking for the Handicapped" of the Code of the Township of North Brunswick
#23-14 - Second Reading and Public Hearing - An Ordinance releasing, extinguishing and vacating the Rights of the Township of North Brunswick in a Sewer Easement located on Lot 7, Block 1, in the City of New Brunswick, Middlesex County, State of New Jersey
#23-15 - Second Reading and Public Hearing - Fiscal Year 2024 Ordinance to establish a CAP Bank
#23-16 - Second Reading and Public Hearing - Bond Ordinance providing for Capital Improvements for and by the Township of North Brunswick, in the County of Middlesex, New Jersey, appropriating the aggregate amount of $5,000,000 therefor and authorizing the issuance of $4,750,000 in Bonds or Notes of the Township to finance part of the cost thereof
Public Hearing
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