The North Brunswick Drama Group is a no-cut theater program that produces two main stage productions at the North Brunswick Township High School annually as well as additional events throughout the year. Actors 18+ may participate in the winter musical (typically Jan-Mar) and actors 14+ may participate in the summer musical (typically June-Aug). For the …
Anyone interested in free swimming lessons for second graders may contact DPRCS at (732) 247-0922, ext. 475 and ask to speak with Director Benson between 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. When registering please reference the specific level descriptions to ensure you are signing your child up for the level that is most appropriate for them …
2024 DPRCS Rapids Swim Team End of the Season Team Gathering The 2024 End of the Season DPRCS Swim Team Gathering was held on Saturday, August 3 at Veterans Park. Congratulations to the DPRCS 2024 Rapids swim coaches, swimmers and families on a successful season. Enhanced swimming skills, friendships made and memories that will last …
During the month of April, the North Brunswick Township Police Department will be cracking down on distracted drivers as part of New Jersey’s “UDrive. UText. UPay.” enforcement campaign. Officers will be assigned to conduct proactive enforcement operations using marked and unmarked vehicles to identify motorists who engage in dangerous distracted driving behaviors, such as talking …
Backyard compost bins available for sale using contact-less purchase and pickup:Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:15 p.m. Pay ahead and pick up from the parking lot at 15 Kennedy Boulevard, East Brunswick.Call the Middlesex County Division of Solid Waste Management at 732-745-4170 to arrange! Please click on the link below for more information on the County’s Composting …
Have the memory of your pet live on at Community Garden in North Brunswick. The Township has dedicated a space in Community Park for our Memorial Pet Reflection Garden. You can purchase an engraved plate to honor your pet that will be attached to a structure in the Pet Memorial Garden. $25 per engraved plate. …