Township Council Meeting

Nov. 15, 2021

7:00 pm

Add to Calendar Nov. 15, 2021 7:00 pm Nov. 15, 2021 UTC Township Council Meeting Virtual Conferencing
Virtual Conferencing

Online Agenda


Call to Order, Roll Call and Cell Phone Statement


Sunshine Notice


Pledge of Allegiance


Consent Agenda

NJ State Fireman's Association Application / Tyler R. Pauli / Co. #2
310-11.21 Certifying Review of the Fiscal Year 2021 Best Practices InventoryPDF iconResolution
311-11.21 Governors Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse - Fiscal Grant Cycle October 2020-June 2025PDF iconResolution
312-11.21 Authorizing a Shared Services Agreement with Middlesex County Utilities Authority (MCUA) for Solid Waste DisposalPDF iconResolution
313-11.21 Authorizing acceptance of Grant from Middlesex County regarding its Helping Hand Grant ProgramPDF iconResolution
314-11.21 Rejecting Bids for Snow Removal ServicesPDF iconResolution
315-11.21 Item of revenue in budget (Chapter 159): 2021-2022 Operation Helping Hands $840.80PDF iconResolution
316-11.21 Authorizing the advertisement for Receipt of Bids under the Department of Public Works for one Refuse Truck BodyPDF iconResolution
317-11.21 Resolution recognizing and designating the North Brunswick Historical Society, Inc. as a participant in a Public-Private Partnership to preserve, restore, and provide Grant Support for the property known as Block 227, Lot 20.01, commonly known as the Pulda FarmPDF iconResolution
318-11.21 Supporting the placement of the John Buckelew House at the Pulda Farm on the New Jersey and National Registers of Historical PlacesPDF iconResolution
319-11.21 Amending Contract BID20002 with KM Construction Corp. for the Finnegans Lane and Quarry Lane Road Improvement Project Closeout Change Order ($462,013.91)PDF iconResolution
320-11.21 Authorizing a credit or refund to Township Customers for their Water-Sewer Utility AccountPDF iconResolution
321-11.21 Amending an agreement with Trillium, Inc. to provide Environmental Consulting Services in the Soil Remediation Litigation as an E.U.S.PDF iconResolution
322-11.21 Bill ListPDF iconBillPDF iconBill
323-11.21 Confirming the application and authorizing acceptance of the funds under the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Grants-In-Aid Program towards the North Brunswick Community Park Walking Trail Pavement Project PDF iconResolution

Approval of minutes

Minutes / Special Meeting / October 25, 2021PDF iconMinutes
Minutes / Regular Meeting / November 1, 2021PDF iconMinutes

Ordinances/First Reading/Introduction

#21-24 - An Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 334 Vehicles and Traffic of the Code of the Township of North Brunswick to amend Commercial Vehicle Parking RegulationsPDF iconOrdinance
#21-25 - An Ordinance of the Township of North Brunswick in the County of Middlesex, New Jersey, to sell, by negotiated Agreement properties on Adams Lane known as, portions of Block 143 Lots 434, 435, 436, Block 144 Lot 1, 22, 23, Block 145 Lots 1, 18, 19, on the Official Tax Map of the Township of North Brunswick, Middlesex County, New Jersey, to the State of New Jersey, in support of the NJ Department Transportation Project known as Adams Lane (CR608) Bridge over AmtrakPDF iconOrdinance
#21-26 - An Ordinance of the Township of North Brunswick, in the County of Middlesex, New Jersey, to acquire, by negotiated Agreement, Real Property known and designated as Tax Block 224.02, Lot 25.01 on the Official Tax Map of the Township of North Brunswick, Middlesex County, New Jersey located on Old Georges Road for Governmental purposesPDF iconOrdinance

Ordinances / Second Reading / Public Hearing

#21-22 - Second Reading and Public Hearing - An Ordinance authorizing a Permanent Easement over a portion of the property known as the PSE&G 14th Street Substation, 1100 14th Street, North Brunswick, New Jersey, also known as Block 91, Lot 3 on the Official Tax Map of the Township of North Brunswick, Middlesex County, State of New JerseyPDF iconOrdinance
#21-23 - Second Reading and Public Hearing - An Ordinance of the Township of North Brunswick in Middlesex County, New Jersey permitting the operation of all classes of Cannabis Licensed Businesses within certain designated areas of its Geographical Boundaries, by amending Chapter 205 Land Use, of the North Brunswick Township Code and creating a new Chapter 140 entitled "Cannabis, Licensed Businesses" and a new Chapter 308 entitled "Establishment of Cannabis Transfer Tax and User Tax in the Township of North BrunswickPDF iconOrdinance

Reports from Mayor, Council, Administrator, CFO


Public Hearing



Related Documents
PDF iconMINUTES PDF iconTownship Council Meeting Login InformationPDF iconTownship Council Meeting Public Notice video iconVideo