The North Brunswick Police Department and Domestic Violence Response Team are sponsoring a community service initiative to clean up the Renaissance Park area. Come out for a fun morning caring for our local park. Click on the link for more information.
Renaissance Park Clean Up Flyer
Recent trends have shown just how easy it is to steal Hyundais and Kias, but New Jersey is doing something about it. Hyundai and Kia are offering a new solution to help drive down theft and keep their vehicles safe.
Poor choices on anti-theft controls by Hyundai/Kia have made many of their vehicles easy to steal – a failure that has led to a surge of auto thefts and public safety issues. Protect your vehicle and help us curb auto theft in NJ.
A recent trend shows just how easy it is to steal Hyundais and Kias. But no matter what you’ve heard, there ARE steps you can take to safeguard your vehicle from theft and the violent crime it can fuel. It starts by checking if your car is eligible for the anti-theft upgrade.
Please click the link below for important steps to take to safeguard your Hyundai and Kia vehicle.
Important Safety Information for Hyundai and Kia Owners
Please click on the link below for information on the Police Department’s Recruitment Plan.
North Brunswick Police Department Recruitment Plan
The mission of the North Brunswick Township Police Department is to provide effective policing services to all residents of our community.
Our goal is to maintain a safe and secure environment that will facilitate the quality of life our citizens have grown to expect by insuring that federal, state, and local laws are enforced in a fair, consistent, and swift manner. By doing so in a fashion sensitive to the multitude of cultures that make up the human fabric of our community, we will continually work to achieve and maintain the respect and cooperation of the fine citizens of our community.
Department History
The North Brunswick Police were originally a part-time department, aided by the New Jersey State Police. They patrolled our town on regular routes and were dispatched “dispatched” by the Chief’s porch light. An illuminated lamp meant there was a call for service and officers on patrol should stop for instructions.
Our growing township eventually needed the services of a full-time police department. In 1964, the North Brunswick Township Police Department was fully established.
The North Brunswick Police Department adopted the Community Operational Policing (C.O.P.) strategy in 1994 to better work with our community. C.O.P. is a partnership between police officers and citizens to work together and identify, prioritize, solve issues and improve quality of life. Our efforts are directed to reducing crime and fear of crime, increasing citizen satisfaction with our department, and working with numerous local agencies to solve problems that impact our residents and businesses. In short, it is the prevention of crime through a partnership with our neighbors.
From these humble roots, we have grown to over 85 sworn officers, 10 dispatchers, and 10 civilian employees. Together we form one of the best trained and dedicated teams of law enforcement professionals, motivated by the privilege of serving our community.
In charge of keeping and releasing records and receiving reports.
- Obtain a police report (multi-part, possible form build)
- Obtain an accident report (external link to crashdocs.org)
- Firearms ID or permit purchase instructions
- Crime Statistics
If you need in-person assistance with police records, please call 732-545-3200, ext. 415 for instructions.
A team of administrative professionals responsible for the proper maintenance of police reports and records.
The North Brunswick Township Police Department Records Bureau is available to answer questions and respond to requests Monday – Friday from 8:30am – 4:00pm. We can be reached by phone at 732-545-3200, ext. 415.
learn moreThe Detective Bureau is comprised of a team of specialists who investigate crimes of a serious nature.
This bureau encompasses:
- Juvenile/Youth Services
- Narcotics/Anti-Crime
- Crime Prevention
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Ensuring professional standards are maintained and upheld.
The mission of the North Brunswick Township Police Department is to provide effective policing services to all residents of our community. Our goal is to maintain a safe and secure environment that will facilitate the quality of life our citizens have grown to expect by ensuring federal, state, and local laws are enforced in a fair, consistent, and swift manner. By working in a fashion sensitive to the multitude of cultures that make up the human fabric of our community, we continually strive to earn and maintain the respect and cooperation of the community we serve.
learn moreCommunity Operational Policing – A team of police officers working together with the community, for the community.
The North Brunswick Police Department adopted the Community Operational Policing (C.O.P.) strategy in 1994 to better work with our community. C.O.P. is a partnership between police officers and citizens to work together and identify, prioritize, solve issues and improve quality of life. Our efforts are directed to reducing crime and fear of crime, increasing citizen satisfaction with our department, and working with numerous local agencies to solve problems that impact our residents and businesses. In short, it is the prevention of crime through a partnership with our neighbors.
learn moreThe North Brunswick Township Police Department is dedicated to engaging with the community in a variety of meaningful and positive ways. From collecting toys at the holidays, annual special events such as the Cops & Rodders Car Show, to participating in the Building Bridges Program, members of our department are dedicated to establishing good relationships with members of the community.
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