The Township wants you to understand, and feel clear, about your water bill. If you are having trouble understanding your bill, this page may help. If you have further questions about your bill, you can always contact the Township.
Regular Rates & Charges
Residential water and sewer rates for residential accounts are listed below for July 2024 to June 2025.
How To Read Your Bill

The amount billed is based on the meter information located on your monthly Statement. You are billed for the usage amount, which equals the gallons of water between the previous read and the current read. You are billed both a water and sewage fee for each gallon of water used, as well as a flat fee for the size of your meter.
Billing Rate Tiers
Water (P/Gal)
1 – 3,000 Gal: $0.004471
3,001 – 9,000 Gal: $0.008045
9,001+ Gal: $0.008941
Sewage (P/Gal)
1 – 3,000 Gal: $0.006855
3,001 – 9,000 Gal: $0.008522
9,001+ Gal: $0.009795
Connection Fee (Meter Size)
Facility Service Fee Up to 1”: $3/Month
Facility Service Fee 1”: $4/Month
Unusual Monthly Bill Amounts
Sometimes your water bill amount or reported water usage may look a lot higher or lower than your usual bill or your known usage. There are a lot of reasons why this can happen. Here are common situations and their recommended next steps.