Shut Off & Mark Out

The Township and American Water are available to assist you in turning off your water and identifying your utility lines during home improvements and emergencies.

Curb Box Shut Off

If you need your water shut off for plumbing work or in the case of an emergency and your home’s main shut off valve does not work, customers may contact American Water to request a shut off to the water at the curb box, usually located at the street.

As the curb box is the responsibility of the homeowner, the customer will be assessed a $75.00 per request. While operating the curb box, if there is a break that impacts the main line, any restoration work performed by American Water to the site will be assessed to the homeowner as a charge to their utility account.  

American Water: phone 732-297-3739.

Emergency Meter Assistance

If you can’t locate or operate the water meter safely, contact American Water at 732-297-3739 Crews are ready to assist 24/7 in emergency situations.

Please maintain safe and direct access to your water meter. By eliminating obstructions in front of a meter it will be easier to turn off your water in the event of an emergency.

Request for Mark out

Digging can be a dangerous activity. Everyone must take steps to protect underground utilities and avoid interruption of vital services, property damage and possible injury. Log into New Jersey One Call and take the necessary steps every time you dig to avoid damages and prevent expensive repairs, project delays and costly fines:
