Meetings and Events


Township Council Meeting Schedule

Public meetings are typically held on the first and third Monday of the month. If a meeting falls on a holiday, it is held on Tuesday instead of Monday. Workshop meetings are typically held on the second and fourth Mondays of the month, except in case of a holiday, in which case the meeting would be held on the Tuesday instead. Additionally, if there are five Mondays in the month, the last workshop meeting would be held on the last Monday instead of the fourth Monday.

The council changes to a light meeting schedule during the summer. There is one public meeting held on the first Monday of the month and one workshop meeting held on the last Monday of the month.

Planning Board Meeting Schedule

The Planning Board conducts its workshop meetings generally on the first Wednesday of each month, with the public meeting scheduled for the following Tuesday. No public comment is permitted on applications at the workshop meeting. The public meetings include public hearings on all applications for development where questions and comments from the public are permitted. All Planning Board meetings are scheduled for 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal Complex at 710 Hermann Road. Currently, meetings are being held virtually on the Go To Meeting platform.

Zoning Board Meeting Schedule

Zoning Board meetings at the Municipal Building are normally held the third Tuesday of the month with workshop meetings at 6 p.m. and public meetings at 7 p.m. Currently, meetings are being held virtually on the Go To Meeting platform.

Township Meeting Meeting Protocol

The protocol for a public meeting is quite simple. After the business portion of the meeting (which usually lasts around 30 minutes), the meeting goes into “public session.” At this point, residents raise their hand and, when they’re called upon by the chair, they proceed to the lectern / microphone, sign in, state their name and address (“North Brunswick” is satisfactory), and state their business. Members of the public are limited to five minutes. Time is kept, but only the time the resident speaks is counted against their time. In other words, if you ask a question and a councilman takes 10 minutes to respond, this time doesn’t count against you.

After all members of public who desire to make comment have been initially recognized then any member of the public who has previously spoken may speak again upon being recognized by the presiding officer for up to 2 additional 5-minute periods for a total of 15 minutes.



Planning Board Meeting

Add to Calendar Nov. 09 7:30 pm Nov. 09 UTC Planning Board Meeting All applications will be carried to the December 7, 2021 Meeting. No further notice required. Virtual Conferencing
November 09 | 7:30 pm

Virtual Conferencing

All applications will be carried to the December 7, 2021 Meeting. No further notice required.

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Township Council Workshop Meeting

Add to Calendar Nov. 08 7:00 pm Nov. 08 UTC Township Council Workshop Meeting Virtual Conferencing
November 08 | 7:00 pm

Virtual Conferencing

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PDF iconTownship Council Workshop Meeting Login InformationPDF iconTownship Council Workshop Meeting Public Notice video iconVideo

Township Council Special Bill List Meeting

Add to Calendar Nov. 08 7:00 pm Nov. 08 UTC Township Council Special Bill List Meeting Virtual Conferencing
November 08 | 7:00 pm

Virtual Conferencing

Related Documents
PDF iconMINUTES video iconVideo

Township Council Meeting

Add to Calendar Nov. 01 7:00 pm Nov. 01 UTC Township Council Meeting Virtual Conferencing
November 01 | 7:00 pm

Virtual Conferencing

Related Documents
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Township Council Meeting

Add to Calendar Oct. 18 7:00 pm Oct. 18 UTC Township Council Meeting Virtual Conferencing
October 18 | 7:00 pm

Virtual Conferencing

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Township Council Workshop/Special Meeting

Add to Calendar Oct. 12 7:00 pm Oct. 12 UTC Township Council Workshop/Special Meeting Virtual Conferencing
October 12 | 7:00 pm

Virtual Conferencing

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Township Council Meeting

Add to Calendar Sep. 27 7:00 pm Sep. 27 UTC Township Council Meeting Virtual Conferencing
September 27 | 7:00 pm

Virtual Conferencing

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