2024 DPRCS Rapids Swim Team End of the Season Team Gathering The 2024 End of the Season DPRCS Swim Team Gathering was held on Saturday, August 3 at Veterans Park. Congratulations to the DPRCS 2024 Rapids swim coaches, swimmers and families on a successful season. Enhanced swimming skills, friendships made…
learn more9-1-1 is the number set aside by telephone companies throughout the United States to put you in touch with emergency aid agencies. An emergency is any situation involving a crime in progress, or an imminent threat to life, bodily injury, or major property damage or loss. A home burglary in…
learn moreThe Township of North Brunswick has long met, and continues to meet, all of its affordable housing obligations. The affordability controls on the longstanding inventory of units for sale in the Governor’s Pointe communities have expired under the law. Accordingly, our current inventory does not include affordable housing units for…
learn moreCreated by legislation in 1909, County Boards of Taxation serve as the supervising taxing authority for their respective counties. The office of the Board of Taxation falls into two major categories: Administrative and Appellate. Through legislation enacted in 1973, all 21 County Boards of Taxation operate under a uniform set…
learn moreThe North Brunswick Police are happy to assist with a T-Visa or T-Visa Applications in accordance with guidelines set by the Department of Homeland Security. For more information about this process and to determine if you have met the required criteria, please see the U and T Visa Law Enforcement…
learn more2025 Automated Trash Collection Schedule Automated collection requires only one employee to service your home without leaving the truck. Each household receives one 95-gallon cart which has a serial number that corresponds to your address. The cart is the property of The Township of North Brunswick and remains behind for…
learn moreBrush pickups are by appointment only. Branches may not exceed five inches in diameter individually. Residents must bundle and tie branches prior to collection. Brush bundles may not exceed four feet in length or 18 inches in height and must weigh no more than 40 pounds. Residents are limited to…
learn moreThe North Brunswick Police Department and the New Destiny Family Worship Center have teamed up to form “Building Bridges,” a group designed to foster better relations between police and community members. This fantastic initiative was formed in 2016 and has since been a wonderful resource for establishing a sense of communication…
learn moreBuilding inspections and inspection approval are the final steps in closing the building permit process. Upon passing final inspections a certificate of approval is applied for and issued and the permits are closed. Inspections must be scheduled through the building officer and the building regulations department (732) 247-0922, ext. 450.…
learn moreThe appropriate building permits are required prior to beginning construction work. Please note that sometimes a zoning permit is required before a building permit can be requested and issued. When are building permits required? Municipal permits are no longer required for the repair or replacement of any amount of existing…
learn moreBulk appointments are limited to five (5) appointments per year for each address. Bulk pick-up service covers items that are too big to place in your automated carts for curbside collection. Bulk pick-up is scheduled the day after your automated cart pickup day, by appointment. Each residence is limited to 2 cubic…
learn moreIf you need to come to court, you should ensure that you have a scheduled hearing date and time as they are not a drop-in service. If you are unsure of your place on the judicial calendar, call the court office. Hearing Options In-Person Due to COVID-19, hearings are currently…
learn moreThis program utilizes trained volunteers from Middlesex County to help resolve disputes that involve people in ongoing relationships such as neighbors, friends, relatives and co-workers. Mediation is a structured and confidential form of negotiation that provides a convenient, fair, and effective way to resolve disputes. Mediators are concerned members of…
learn moreBackyard compost bins available for sale using contact-less purchase and pickup:Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:15 p.m. Pay ahead and pick up from the parking lot at 15 Kennedy Boulevard, East Brunswick.Call the Middlesex County Division of Solid Waste Management at 732-745-4170 to arrange! Please click on the link below for more…
learn moreMiddlesex County offers a cooking oil recycling program throughout the county, year-round. This program is for Middlesex County residents only with (proof of residency is required). The recycling program is for liquid vegetable oils only; NO shortening, coconut oil, lard or motor oil. Business are NOT welcome to utilize this…
learn moreThe North Brunswick Police Department and North Brunswick PBA 160 host an annual celebration of all things cars and motors. The Cops & Rodders Car Show is held every April near Chamberlain University off Route 1 North.
learn moreWith Craigslist and other online markets rising in popularity, the idea of meeting stranger(s) to conduct transaction in an unfamiliar place can have a criminal element. Safe Zone Purpose The purpose of the “Craigslist Safe Zone” is to ensure safety for all parties involved in the transaction. By being in…
learn moreDuring the month of April, the North Brunswick Township Police Department will be cracking down on distracted drivers as part of New Jersey’s “UDrive. UText. UPay.” enforcement campaign. Officers will be assigned to conduct proactive enforcement operations using marked and unmarked vehicles to identify motorists who engage in dangerous distracted…
learn moreTeen Dating Abuse Information Teen Dating Abuse Information Volunteers Needed for the North Brunswick Domestic Violence Response Team The North Brunswick Domestic Violence Response Team is looking for new volunteer victim advocates, with preference for team members who are bilingual English/Spanish. The team runs a 24/7/365 on call schedule, responding…
learn moreSpring Lessons Schedule Anyone interested in free swimming lessons for second graders may contact DPRCS at (732) 247-0922, ext. 475 and ask to speak with Director Benson between 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Spring Open/Lap Swim Schedule Aquatics Registration When registering please reference the specific level descriptions to ensure you…
learn moreThe Department of Parks, Recreation & Community Services offers a wide range of youth programs & sports throughout the year. Additional programming is available. For questions, please call (732) 247-0922, ext. 475.
learn moreE-waste (computers, printers, monitors, TV’s) is not collected by the township curbside. A regulatory change now bans them from going to the landfill. Residents can drop off items to New Tech Recycling at 600 Apgar Drive Somerset NJ 08873. Residents should call (732) 564-3110 to schedule a drop off appointment.
learn moreThe Township wants you to understand, and feel clear, about your water bill. If you are having trouble understanding your bill, this page may help. If you have further questions about your bill, you can always contact the Township. Regular Rates & Charges Residential water and sewer rates for residential…
learn moreNew Jersey’s Farmland Assessment Act, administered by the New Jersey Department of Treasury, provides for lower assessment based on productivity of farmland if it meets specific eligibility criteria. To qualify for the tax assessment reduction, a landowner must have no less than five acres of farmland actively devoted to an…
learn moreTypes of Inspections Residential The Township of North Brunswick requires both a Certificate of Continued Occupancy (CCO) from the Construction Official AND a Home Sale Certificate of Compliance by the Fire Marshal when selling a home. Commercial The Fire Inspector must conduct an inspection every time there is a change in tenant…
learn moreFire permits are required for events, processes or activities using an open flame or fire producing device. The permit shall at all times be kept in the premises designated therein and shall at all times be subject to inspection by the fire official.. Fire Permit Types Type 1 Permit -$54.00…
learn moreDue to the recent rise in firearm applications and permit requests, all inquiries pertaining to status updates for Firearms Permits/Licensing/Applications will ONLY be handled in the form of an e-mail at NBTPDfirearms@northbrunswicknj.gov. As of March 2025, we are actively working on implementing an online payment system. We appreciate your patience.…
learn moreNorth Brunswick Food Bank distribution will be Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and Thursdays from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the North Brunswick Senior Center, 15 Linwood Place. The North Brunswick Food Bank is accepting food, gift cards and monetary donations to help build the inventory of…
learn moreMIDDLESEX COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY & HEALTHOffice of Health Services Temporary Retail Food Establishment General Guidelines Event Food License Application Retail Food License Application All retail food establishments and temporary vendors must be approved and licensed through the Municipal Clerk’s office. You can find links to the applications above.…
learn moreMiddlesex County holds Hazardous waste drop off days throughout the year. Drop off your household chemicals, motor oils, batteries, pesticides, and more for free at the various locations throughout the county. Residents must wear face coverings, keep their vehicle windows closed and stay in their vehicles at all times. Please…
learn moreThe Inspection Division of the Middlesex County Office of Health Services performs various types of inspections throughout the year. It is the goal of the Inspection division that every food establishment, public swimming pool, and body art facility be inspected at least twice a year. All inspections are conducted by…
learn moreChapter 205-138 of the Township’s Land Use Ordinance was amended in 2008. No structures shall be erected, restored, added to or structurally altered, and a building permit will not be issued, until a Zoning Permit has been issued. The Home Sale Certificate requirement for all residential home sales took effect…
learn moreThe Township of North Brunswick requires both a Certificate of Continued Occupancy (CCO) from the Construction Official AND a Certificate of Compliance by the Fire Marshal when selling a home. A Certificate of Compliance is good for 60 days from the date of issue and certifies that a home meets…
learn moreWhen used for irrigation, most of the water does not go back into the sewer to get processed, it goes into the soil. Because of this, North Brunswick allows customers to have a secondary dedicated irrigation meter installed which is not subject to the sewer charges. This may represent…
learn moreChapter 266-10, “Rental Housing” of the Code of the Township of North Brunswick, requires every landlord to register with the Department of Community Development every three (3) years on October 1st. Landlord registrations shall expire on the third September 30th following their filing. Registration Form A fee of $30 shall…
learn moreA certified animal control officer is on 24-hour call to answer animal emergencies. For animal emergencies, please contact the Police dispatch non-emergency number at (732) 545-3200. For animal bites, seek medical attention and notify Animal Control officers as soon as possible at (732) 247-0922, ext. 470 during business hours. Please…
learn moreMarriage License Application Marriage License Required Documents Please call (732) 247-0922 ext. 470 to arrange for an appointment. You must call 8 weeks before your actual ceremony date. Where to Apply If either partner is a resident of New Jersey, the license must be obtained in the town where either…
learn moreMemorial Pet Reflection Garden Application Have the memory of your pet live on at Community Garden in North Brunswick. The Township has dedicated a space in Community Park for our Memorial Pet Reflection Garden. You can purchase an engraved plate to honor your pet that will be attached to a…
learn moreMiddlesex County offers various recycling programs that are free to North Brunswick and county residents. For more information, click the links below. Always check the county website for important updates or changes to the schedule before you go. Household Hazardous Waste Held a number of times a year throughout the…
learn moreNational Night Out is a free annual community event held across the country, bringing together residents and community services. Held on the first Tuesday of August in the Police Department parking lot, this fun event is for the whole family! Join us for activities for kids of all ages, including…
learn moreThe Township of North Brunswick Community Garden is a garden located at the Pulda Farm property, 300 Old Georges Road. North Brunswick residents are now able to reserve space to have a family garden where they can grow herbs, produce, and flowers. There is one parcel size available, each resident/household…
learn moreThe North Brunswick Drama Group is a no-cut theater program that produces two main stage productions at the North Brunswick Township High School annually as well as additional events throughout the year. Actors 18+ may participate in the winter musical (typically Jan-Mar) and actors 14+ may participate in the summer…
learn moreATTENTION NORTH BRUNSWICK HOMEOWNERSNorth Brunswick Housing Rehabilitation Program (HRP) Provides Funds to Renovate Your Home If you own a 1-4 family house in North Brunswick Township, you may be eligible for up to $30,000 in financial assistance to renovate your property. The Township of North Brunswick has selected the North…
learn moreMain Street North Brunswick, a transit village, is under active and continuing construction along Route 1 North on the former 200-acre Johnson & Johnson property. The mixed-use development will feature residential living units, retail stores, commercial office space, restaurants, and a hotel. Grand openings for Costco and Target were held…
learn moreNorth Brunswick TV Live Stream North Brunswick TV Video on Demand Township Council Public and Workshop meetings, held on Mondays at 7 p.m., are aired live and are rebroadcast Tuesday through Sunday nights at 7 p.m. Planning and Zoning Board of Adjustment meetings are aired live (Planning Board – 7:30…
learn morePolice accident reports only: Reports are now available online (fee involved). Go to Crashdocs.org Enter the incident number, your last name and date of accident, then follow the prompts for payment All other reports: Involved party: Visit our records bureau between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:00 pm Non…
learn morePolice Incident Reports can be obtained in person during Records Bureau operating hours. You may also contact us to discuss contactless receipt options.
learn moreLatex paint should be left open to dry completely, securely tied in a trash bag and placed in your automated cart. NO LIQUID PAINT of any kind can be collected curbside. Please bring them to a paint drop off location. For drop off days and more information, click the link…
learn moreThe Middlesex County Division of Solid Waste Management hosts various paper shredding events throughout the county. These events are for residential documents only, a maximum of 100 pounds per resident. Please, no magazines or books. Residents must wear face coverings, keep their vehicle windows closed and stay in their vehicles…
learn morePet License Application All cats and dogs MUST be licensed by the age of seven months. The fees are as follows: Neutered cats – $8.00 Seniors (over 62) – $6.00Neutered dogs – $9.00 Seniors (over 62) – $7.00Non-neutered cats – $11.00 Seniors (over 62) – $9.00Non-neutered dogs – $12.00 Seniors…
learn moreThe North Brunswick Police Department hosts an annual ceremony during National Police Week, usually the calendar week of May 15. During the ceremony, Township Police Officers are honored with Departmental Awards for superior performance in the execution of their duties. National Police Week honors those who serve their communities through law…
learn moreBefore and After School Program Register Today Program History As the population in North Brunswick Township grew and became more diverse, the need for leisure after school child care became apparent. In 1983, education leaders and the Township Government determined that working parents in the Township required child care for…
learn moreProperty Tax Deduction for Veterans or Surviving Spouses TO QUALIFY, you must be an honorably discharged US Armed Forces war veteran, or the unmarried surviving spouse of such a war veteran or the surviving spouse of a serviceperson who served in time of war and died while on active duty.…
learn moreOverview The Property Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights ensures that: All property taxpayers are accorded the basic rights of fair and equitable treatment under the State Constitution and laws of New Jersey; All property taxpayers receive the information and assistance they need to understand and meet their property tax responsibilities. Services…
learn moreEach household receives one 95-gallon cart with a serial number that corresponds to your address. The cart is the property of the Township of North Brunswick and remains behind for the new resident should you move from your current location. Residents are welcome to purchase a second 95-gallon cart for…
learn more2025 Recycling Calendar 2025 Recycling Street Listings Recycle Coach What Goes in Your Recycling Bin graphic – English What Goes in Your Recycling Bin graphic – Spanish North Brunswick Township has contracted with the Middlesex County Improvement Authority (MCIA) to perform the curbside recycling collection and the processing recycling using…
learn moreIf you see a damaged street sign, please let us know by making an online service request by clicking the link below. Report a Damaged Street Sign
learn moreMaintaining and preserving the integrity of our parks and community benefits everyone. You can make a park maintenance or appearance service request by clicking the link below. Report a Park Maintenance Issue
learn moreTo protect public safety and your car, report potholes to the Township. The Township services all township roads, excluding county roads and state highways. To report a pothole, please fill out the form below.
Please contact the Department of Community Development’s Code Enforcement Division at (732) 247-0922, ext. 440.
learn moreThe Township maintains town-owned sewer pipelines. The public can assist in this effort by reporting possible sewer overflows or backups. If you have a question about the sewer system, a sewer emergency, or would like to speak to a staff member from the Sewer Department, please call (732) 297-1134 Monday through…
learn moreIf there is a street light outage, malfunction or damage, write down the street light identifying pole number that is posted on the metal pole tag, the street name and nearest cross-street. Report the problem by calling PSE&G, you may contact them directly at 800-436-7734. You may also report the outage by clicking…
learn moreThe North Brunswick Police Department is committed to the investigation and prosecution of crimes with a component of intimidation based on race, color, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, or ethnicity, which can jeopardize the active and open pursuit of freedom and opportunity. We take…
learn moreThe New Jersey Department of Health does not have the authority to investigate animal cruelty. Animal cruelty investigations shall be conducted by Humane Law Enforcement Officers (HLEOs) that report to county prosecutors. If you suspect animal cruelty or abuse, contact the North Brunswick Police Department at (732) 545-3200 or the…
learn moreState law requires that all animal bites be reported to the local department of health, which serves as the lead agency for rabies control activities. Situations are handled on a case-by-case basis, but to ensure the safety of your pet and others, a pet owner should do everything in their…
learn morePlease contact the Department of Community Development’s Code Enforcement Division at (732) 247-0922, ext. 440.
learn morePlease note that this is specific to how to get help with lost or damaged personal property or documents. If you need help with filing a police report for a stolen item, please call police dispatch for guidance on next steps. Examples Of Lost/Damaged Property Lost means misplaced (not stolen).…
learn morePlease contact DPW for deer carcass removal on Township streets only. If a deer carcass is on a state road or highway, please call the State of New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) at (609) 588-6212 or use the link below to fill out the request form. Report a…
learn moreTownship residents are welcome to rent a 30 cubic yard property maintenance dumpster from The Township of North Brunswick. The container is 8 feet x 23 feet, with an 8-foot wide door. Dumpster rentals are only available to single-family homes with a driveway. No dumpster rental for condos/townhomes thru DPW.…
learn moreResidents are welcome to borrow a 95-gallon robo cart for one week. To request a loaner can, please call DPW at (732) 297-1134. Loaner robo carts are delivered on Monday or Wednesday and are picked up one week later. Automated collection requires only one employee to service your home without…
learn moreIs your robo can damaged and needs to be repaired or replaced? The township provides service to robo cans on Mondays and Wednesdays. Cans must be completely empty and on the curb for service or replacement by 6 am. Call 732-297-1134 to make an appointment. Automated collection requires only one employee to service…
learn moreHelp us protect our infrastructure, maintain public safety, and prevent flooding by reporting clogged or dirty streets, curbs and storm drains. Make a Request
learn moreOne Time Park Facility Use Form Agreement for Seasonal Use of Township Fields & Facilities Facility Use Pricing
learn moreMeetings are held at the North Brunswick Senior Center, 15 Linwood Place, 732-418-2222. AARP Chapter #3885 This chapter started in 1986 and only those who are members of the national AARP are eligible to join the chapter. Dues are $7/year per person. AARP NEWS: The AARP is holding meetings the first…
learn moreThe Senior Citizens Gardening Club meets on Tuesdays at 12 p.m. at the Senior Center with the goal of providing gardening activities that are age appropriate, fun and stimulating. We foster friendship and socialization with the activities geared to a variety of garden skills, interests and abilities. In addition to…
learn moreAll participants MUST register at the main office for a MONTHLY SENIOR FITNESS PASS at the cost of $5/month. We offer 9 classes/week for this cost. This fee will be devoted strictly for our fitness programs & instructors. The Fitness Programs that are included in the Senior Fitness Passes are:…
learn moreWhat to do if I want the Tax Collector to complete the Senior Freeze verification form Senior Freeze is a State of New Jersey Property Tax Relief (PTR) program which reimburses eligible senior citizens and disabled persons for property tax on their principal residence. To qualify, you must meet all…
learn moreThe Senior Meal Program/Home Delivered Meals are available for isolated homebound seniors who have no formal or informal caregiver and are unable to attend a congregate meal program and are available to Middlesex County Seniors aged 60 and older. The program is funded in part by a federal grant and relies…
learn moreThe Senior Citizen Center, located at 15 Linwood Place, is your home away from home. We are happy to have you join us any weekday from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. The Senior Center is an active, comfortable place to spend some time, meet with other seniors, and to enjoy…
learn moreTHE SENIOR TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM IS FOR INDIVIDUALS WHO DO NOT DRIVE OR HAVE ANY OTHER MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION. You must BE PRE-REGISTERED and receive a TRANSPORTATION ID CARD in order to use the North Brunswick Township Transportation Services. Contact the Senior Center office, located at 15 Linwood Place, AT LEAST 2 days…
learn moreThe Township offers an annual Senior Citizen Utility credit that entitles seniors to receive in a credit in the amount of $250 per annum in 2022 and future years. Beginning calendar year 2021 the credit will be applied annually to customers that receive the State $250 Senior Tax Deduction. A written request must be submitted to…
learn moreThe Township and American Water are available to assist you in turning off your water and identifying your utility lines during home improvements and emergencies. Curb Box Shut Off If you need your water shut off for plumbing work or in the case of an emergency and your home’s main…
learn moreThe CERT concept was developed by the City of Los Angeles Fire Department in 1985 based on the recognition that citizens are very likely on their own during the early stages of a disaster. CERT members are trained to act as a support system for the police department, fire department,…
learn moreSnow Emergency Streets During snow fall, the Department of Public Works will clear the Township streets as soon as possible. Remember, certain streets in the Township are not cleared by DPW and snow removal is the responsibility of the following other departments: Middlesex County Streets and Road Department clears all County…
learn moreAs a policy, the Township does not turn off water to a home when property ownership changes, new residents move in or out or payment on an account is delinquent. Starting or stopping water service is actually the transferring of water billing from one account holder to another. Final Meter…
learn moreThe Township Police Department can process a temporary handicapped placard. Temporary placards last 6 mos and can be renewed once. Longer term or permanent placards must be done at the DMV. Initial Application & Renewal Replacing Lost Temporary Placards Don’t hang your placard where it can fly out the window,…
learn moreThe Township picks up motor oil, tires and car batteries on the second Wednesday of every month. Residents are limited to 5 gallons of motor oil in a plastic bottle with a screw top (not a 2-liter soda bottle) and 4 car tires off the rim per pick-up. Call DPW…
learn moreThe Township of North Brunswick has over 20 parks/open space areas with a variety of both active and passive recreation for residents and visitors to enjoy. Our parks offer all kinds of recreational opportunities. They include softball/baseball and soccer fields, basketball and tennis courts, playgrounds and walking trails. Please see…
learn moreHelp keep the town safe by reporting a downed tree or tree limbs. To report a down tree or limb, or maintenance request of a Township tree during business hours (Monday thru Friday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.), call DPW at (732) 297-1134. The Township uses GPS software to determine…
learn morePassport Processing accepted by appointment only: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 10am – 3pm Contact (732) 247-0922 ext. 238 or adepasquale@northbrunswicknj.gov Please bring your application form (available at www.travel.state.gov ) photo, documentation and payment. The Township of North Brunswick accepts new passport applications for adults (ages 16+) and both new and renewal…
learn moreNorth Brunswick Township is accepting donations toward the restoration of the Veterans Memorial located at Veterans Park, Roosevelt Avenue. If you have a family member who served in the United States Military during a wartime period, you can honor them by making a donation of $75.00 to help restore the Veterans Memorial.…
learn moreThe Township of North Brunswick’s Wartime Veteran Street Sign Program is designed to recognize wartime veteran’s who have served our community and country by adding their name on a secondary honorary street sign to an existing municipal road. Our hope is to promote public awareness of the individual and show…
learn moreNorth Brunswick Municipal Court is holding virtual court sessions using Zoom video conferencing. If you are scheduled for virtual court then you will not appear in person at the Municipal Building. If you have been charged with a violation and you would like to enter a Not Guilty plea or…
learn moreFirst – Decide which board(s) or committee(s) interests you. There is a complete list of township boards and committees available to view on our municipal website. Each board/committee has a brief description along with a current roster of members. Most committees/boards meet once a month, usually on a week night.Next…
learn more2024 General Election The upcoming General Election will take place on Tuesday, November 5. Registration Deadlines The deadline to register for the General Election is October 15, 2024. The deadline to apply by Mail for a Mail-In Ballot is October 29, 2024. The deadline to apply in person for a…
learn moreThe Town of North Brunswick offers an online portal for managing your water account online. Track your monthly, daily, even hourly water useSet up high water usage alertsView current and past billsGo paperless by signing up for e-billing Go To Customer Portal
learn moreSometimes broken or damaged plumbing fixtures, irrigation equipment or pipes can cause unintentional water loss. If that happens, a customer may be eligible for a Courtesy Leak Adjustment to their account. If an adjustment is approved, all wasted water above normal consumption, for the same monthly period for the year before, will be billed…
learn moreThe actual installation of your water meter is done through Veolia, however there are a specific sequence of steps that must be followed from permits and plumbing work to inspections that should be completed BEFORE you schedule your installation with Veolia. Water Meter Installation Steps Questions about any of these…
learn moreAdvanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) The Township has upgraded customer water meters to a wireless technology (AMI) network that reads and transmits water consumption on a routine basis. So far, more than 11,700 of the 12,000 new metering systems have been scheduled or installed in homes and businesses. About The AMI…
learn moreWhite goods/ metal pick-ups are every Wednesday, by appointment only. Mostly metal appliances such as washers, dryers and refrigerators are commonly referred to as “white goods”. Appointments can be made by calling DPW at (732) 297-1134. State Law mandates that doors MUST be removed from refrigerators. In addition, DPW will pickup…
learn morePer Section 205-138(B)(1) of the Township of North Brunswick Land Use Ordinance,“whenever there occurs a change in the use or occupancy of an existing nonresidential building or structure, a new zoning change of use permit shall be applied for and required to insure compliance with all applicable codes and ordinances.…
learn morePer Section 205-138 of the North Brunswick Land Use Ordinance revised September 15,2008, a Zoning Permit must be obtained prior to the erection, restoration, addition to, oralteration of any structure within the Township of North Brunswick, prior to the issuance of a building permit.. Project Planning Zoning Resources The following…
learn more